About Us

"We say YES when other Lenders say no."

About Us

JR Capital is a unique private lender with a primary focus on providing capital to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF’s) in California. We offer custom designed financing without many of the restrictions usually imposed by other lenders. With the recent Medicare cutbacks and Medi-Cal uncertainties, owners have been turning to JR Capital for solutions to their short-term financing needs.

Our goal is to provide the short term financing that will enable facilities to overcome temporary financial setbacks.   By giving them the support and time they need, they will be able to achieve a firm financial stability.

Unlike most conventional lenders, JR Capital’s underwriting guidelines allows for greater flexibility resulting in the borrower obtaining the loan amount that they need within a quick time frame.

JR Capital has the ability to work with each client to really understand their particular needs and to create a custom loan product specifically for them. In addition, our fast-track lending process can usually fund in thirty days or less.